Over on The Diva's blog http://iamthedivaczt.blogspot.com/ she has a 2014 challenge going on and I had the time to finally join!! This is the second challenge I have done so I wanted to have some fun. The rules were that you to have 2014 somewhere in the drawing with Zentangles. So I did that and Pixieyfied it!! The scanned colors made it a bit wonky, but it was done in a rush so I could have this in on time.
I hope everyone is doing well. I really need to post here in my blog more often. I have been putting up my photos on my Facebook page. I have been doing a lot of drawing. I started my Christmas cards back in November and I think everyone that I was able to send to enjoyed them. I also was asked to do a commission for some very good friends of mine that has me a bit scared! LOL It is a challenge for me but I am pretty sure I can make it turn out nice. Also another friend of mine is interested in me drawing up some Christmas cards for later this year which is really exciting!! Any money I make off of these goes right back into the art fund!!
Anyone who knows me, knows that drawing has saved my life. It helps me engage my pea brain with colors and possibilities. I often want to hug my colored pencils and paper because they make me happy. With my chronic pain disorder getting worse the meditative techniques I have picked up from other people's blogs and books have helped me work through and deal with things when they are too hard to bear. My friends also help me plug along. So this year my plan (not resolution) like last year is to draw more, and share with the world my love for color.
Oh the picture above, it has about 30-35 colors in it. Can you spot them all? Have a great day!!
Over on The Diva's blog http://iamthedivaczt.blogspot.com/ she has a 2014 challenge going on and I had the time to finally join!! This is the second challenge I have done so I wanted to have some fun. The rules were that you to have 2014 somewhere in the drawing with Zentangles. So I did that and Pixieyfied it!! The scanned colors made it a bit wonky, but it was done in a rush so I could have this in on time.
Anyone who knows me, knows that drawing has saved my life. It helps me engage my pea brain with colors and possibilities. I often want to hug my colored pencils and paper because they make me happy. With my chronic pain disorder getting worse the meditative techniques I have picked up from other people's blogs and books have helped me work through and deal with things when they are too hard to bear. My friends also help me plug along. So this year my plan (not resolution) like last year is to draw more, and share with the world my love for color.
Oh the picture above, it has about 30-35 colors in it. Can you spot them all? Have a great day!!