Monday, February 4, 2013

Mandala Fun!!

     I spent a bit of money on myself! I bought some mandala stencils to help me not draw circles around bowls or use my ever moving compass of doom. A very good friend of mine bought some and she loved them, I love her art so I sent away!! They came from France which is very cool, my first package from that country! stencils!!  I was so excited and tried them out right away. Genevieve Crabe takes all the work out of these very sturdy stencils. All you need is a pencil and something to draw on, it could be the wall, any flat surface! I chose paper though. I know boring right?! So you just use your pencil and make dots. When you are done all that stops you is your imagination! If you have a hard time figuring out what to do, I suggest using Googlefu and searching Mandala or Zendala.  Here are my first two.

Flower Power

Kitties Are Staring!

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